
A Letter from Pastor Oscar.

     Hello and Peace Be with You!

How do we Glorify the name of God? What can we do to bring the love of God to earth? 

These are big questions with easy answers, you can do this with a simple hello. That brief second of interaction with another person, can change the world. If you fill you hello with love and presence. Do not just do the obligatory "hey" or the nod of the head with a grunt, "uhh" Recognize the persons presence by looking at them and saying with all the love in your heart and soul, "Hello" or "Good morning." Whatever the case may be. People will hear that love, and see you being in the presence of that moment with them. They may blow you off, but for many it will change the way their day is going. That moment will let them know they are loved, and that could take a bad day and make it a good day. 

When you say, "what can I do to bring love into the world?" It is as easy as a "Hello"

The love of God is something that is easily passed to others, do not hold it for yourself, share it with all that you meet.

Your servant in Christ.

Pastor Oscar Bickerdt Jr


  • New Sunday Evening Worship

    Join us Sunday evenings at the Water's Edge for our new evening worship. Come as you are and praise, sing and worship.

  • Bible Study

    Our Bible Study  will now be at 6:30 pm on Thursday evenings at the church.

    Open for anyone, bring your Bible, and an open heart to the Holy Spirit.

    The study will be lead by Pastor Oscar.